

This form is displayed when form=#searchform is displayed by a pmform target.

(:template default successpage='' :)
(:input pmform target={$$target} successpage="{$$successpage}" :)
(:input default request=1:)
||$[Search for]: ||(:input text searchitem size=30:) ||
(:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':)
(:input end:)


This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#searchpost is given by a pmform target.





This form is displayed when form=#mailformdefind1 is displayed by a pmform target.

(:template default successpage='' :)
(:input pmform target={$$target} successpage="{$$successpage}" :)
(:input default request=1:)
||$[Your name]: ||(:input text name size=30:) ||
||$[Your email address]: ||(:input text email_address size=30:) ||
$[Corrections, additional definitions, etc.]:\\
(:input textarea comments rows=20 cols=60:)\\
{$Captcha} $[Type the digits you see in this box] (:input captcha:)\\
(:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':)
(:input end:)


This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#mailpostdefind1 is given by a pmform target. It verifies the existence of the following fields: name, email_address, comments.

(:template require name errmsg="$[Missing name]" :)
(:template require email_address errmsg="$[Missing email address]" :)
(:template require comments errmsg="$[Corrections or additional information required]" :) 
(:template require if="captcha" errmsg="$[You need to type the number into the box]" :)

Name: {$$name} ({$$email_address})




This form is displayed when form=#mailform is displayed by a pmform target.

(:template default successpage='' :)
(:input pmform target={$$target} successpage="{$$successpage}" :)
(:input default request=1:)
||$[Your address]: ||(:input text from size=30:) ||
||$[Subject]:      ||(:input text subject size=30:) ||
(:input textarea text rows=15 cols=60:)\\
(:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':)
(:input end:)


This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#mailpost is given by a pmform target. It verifies the existence of a from address, subject, and message text.

(:template require from errmsg="$[Missing 'from' address]" :)
(:template require subject errmsg="$[Missing message subject]" :)
(:template require text errmsg="$[Message text required]" :) 

Sent via PmForm at {$$PageUrl}


This form is displayed when form=#mailformpc1 is displayed by a pmform target.

(:template default successpage='' :)
(:input pmform target={$$target} successpage="{$$successpage}" :)
(:input default request=1:)
||$[Your name]: ||(:input text name size=30:) ||
||$[Your email address]: ||(:input text email_address size=30:) ||
||$[Photograph title]: ||(:input text photo_title size=30:) ||
$[Corrections, additional information, etc.]:\\
(:input textarea comments rows=10 cols=60:)\\
{$Captcha} $[Type the digits you see in this box] (:input captcha:)\\
(:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':)
(:input end:)


This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#mailpostpc1 is given by a pmform target. It verifies the existence of the following fields: name, email_address, photo_title, comments.

(:template require name errmsg="$[Missing name]" :)
(:template require email_address errmsg="$[Missing email address]" :)
(:template require photo_title errmsg="$[Missing photograph title]" :)
(:template require comments errmsg="$[Comments about photograph required]" :) 
(:template require if="captcha" errmsg="$[You need to type the number into the box]" :)

Name: {$$name} ({$$email_address})

Photograph: {$$photo_title}




This form is displayed when form=#mailform2 is displayed by a pmform target.

(:template default successpage='' :)
(:input pmform target={$$target} successpage="{$$successpage}" :)
(:input default request=1:)
(:input hidden choice1 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice2 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice3 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice4 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice5 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice6 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice7 value='No' :)
(:input hidden subject value='Centenary Event interest' :)
||$[Your name]: ||(:input text name size=30:) ||
||$[Address line 1]: ||(:input text addr1 size=30:) ||
||$[Address line 2]: ||(:input text addr2 size=30:) ||
||$[Address line 3]: ||(:input text addr3 size=30:) ||
||$[Postcode]: ||(:input text pcode size=8:) ||
||$[Your email address]: ||(:input text from size=30:) ||
||$[Interest in [[Centenary/Camp|Weekend camp]]]: ||(:input checkbox choice1 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Interest in [[Centenary/School|School tour]]]: ||(:input checkbox choice2 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Interest in [[Centenary/Myreside|Friday night at Myreside]]]: ||(:input checkbox choice3 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Interest in [[Centenary/JophiesNeuk|Jophie's Neuk visit]]]: ||(:input checkbox choice4 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Interest in [[Centenary/Dinner|Centenary Dinner]]]: ||(:input checkbox choice5 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Interest in [[Centenary/Service|Church service]]]: ||(:input checkbox choice6 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Interest in [[Centenary/Display|Sunday afternoon at Myreside]]]: ||(:input checkbox choice7 value='Yes' :) ||
{$Captcha} $[Type the digits you see in this box] (:input captcha:) \\
$[Additional comments]:\\
(:input textarea text rows=6 cols=60:)\\
(:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':)
(:input end:)



This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#mailpost2 is given by a pmform target. It verifies the existence of a from address, subject, and message text.

(:template require name errmsg="%red%$[Missing name]" :)
(:template require addr1 errmsg="%red%$[Missing address line1]" :)
(:template require from errmsg="%red%$[Missing email address]" :)
(:template require if="captcha" errmsg="%red%$[You need to type the number into the box]" :)


Email: {$$from}

Interest in Weekend camp: {$$choice1} 
Interest in School tour: {$$choice2}
Interest in Friday night at Myreside: {$$choice3}
Interest in Jophie's Neuk visit: {$$choice4} 
Interest in Centenary Dinner: {$$choice5}
Interest in Church service: {$$choice6}
Interest in Sunday afternoon at Myreside: {$$choice7}




This form is displayed when form=#mailform3 is displayed by a pmform target.

(:template default successpage='' :)
(:input pmform target={$$target} successpage="{$$successpage}" :)
(:input default request=1:)
(:input hidden choice1 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice2 value='No' :)
(:input hidden choice3 value='No' :)
(:input hidden subject value='Event Choice' :)
||$[Your name]: ||(:input text name size=30:) ||
||$[Your email address]: ||(:input text from size=30:) ||
||$[Attending camp one]: ||(:input checkbox choice1 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Attending camp two]: ||(:input checkbox choice2 value='Yes' :) ||
||$[Attending camp three]: ||(:input checkbox choice3 value='Yes' :) ||
{$Captcha} $[Type the numbers you see in the box] (:input captcha:) \\
(:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':)
(:input end:)


This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#mailpost2 is given by a pmform target. It verifies the existence of a from address, subject, and message text.

(:template require from errmsg="$[Missing email address]" :)
(:template require name errmsg="$[Missing name]" :)
(:template require if="captcha" errmsg="$[Captcha required]" :)

Attending event one: {$$choice1} 
Attending event two: {$$choice2}
Attending event three: {$$choice3}

Sent via PmForm at {$$PageUrl}


This form is displayed when form=#commitform is displayed by a pmform target.


(:template default successpage='' :)
(:input pmform target={$$target} successpage="{$$successpage}" :)
(:input default request=1:)
(:input hidden Sat_own_tent value='No' :)
(:input hidden Sat_own_caravan value='No' :)
(:input hidden Sat_hotel value='No' :)
(:input hidden Sat_9th_tent value='No' :)
(:input hidden CS_meetings value='No' :)
(:input hidden Fri_buffet value='No' :)
(:input hidden JN_bycoach value='No' :)
(:input hidden JN_bycar value='No' :)
(:input hidden Vegetarian value='No' :)
(:input hidden Sun_buffet value='No' :)
(:input hidden subject value='9th Centenary Booking Form' :)

%left bgcolor=#ffffcc border='1px dotted red' padding=5px define=response%

!! 9th Scout Group Centenary Celebrations 2008: Booking Form %center%

%response%'''''Please complete this form as soon as possible. The final deadline for the 5th-7th September events is 31st August. You may telephone Mr Donald Easton (0131 337 1690) if you have any questions.\\
When you have completed the form, please type in the digits you see at the end of the form (this is an anti-spam device) and then press the 'send' button. \\
Finally, scroll back up to the top of the form to see the 'Post successful' message, confirming that it has been successfully completed.'''''

%response%[+'''''Please fill in the boxes here, and then the relevant sections below'''''+]

||$[Your name]: ||(:input text name size=30:) ||
||$[Address line 1]: ||(:input text addr1 size=30:) ||
||$[Address line 2]: ||(:input text addr2 size=30:) ||
||$[Address line 3]: ||(:input text addr3 size=30:) ||
||$[Postcode]: ||(:input text postcode size=8:) ||
||$[Your email address]: ||(:input text from size=30:) ||
||$[Any comments]? ||(:input textarea comment_text rows=3 cols=40:) ||


'''Friday 29th August 2008 to Sunday 31st August 2008 — 9th Group Weekend Camp'''

''A weekend camp is taking place at [[|''Nineacres Memorial Campsite'']] on the edge of the village of Crook-of-Devon (O.S. Map No. 58 - 03471 00770), 5 miles west of Kinross, 15 miles south of Perth and 13 miles north of Dunfermline.''

* %block bgcolor=#ccffcc% For current members of the Group — Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and their parents — with former members and spouses/partners also welcome. Current Scouts, Cubs and Beavers will be camping all weekend; Parents and former members are welcome to visit.
* Day visitors on Saturday and Sunday are welcome. Those wishing to camp overnight on Saturday must be registered with Morningside District Appointments Secretary before the camp.
* Local accommodation is available in Kinross: for example, the Grouse and Claret (Tel 01577 864212), located opposite the Kinross (MOTO) Service Area, has three double-bedded en-suite rooms at £75 per room B&B.
* Here is the camp [[|'''%black%programme''']].
* There is no charge, but please bring your own food. (Cooking facilities will be provided.)
* A camp highlight: on Saturday night there will be a '''campfire singsong''', starting at about 7pm.
* If you wish to sleep in a 9th-provided tent, please bring your own sleeping bag, etc.
* The camp will finish after lunchtime on Sunday.
* If you have any questions, please contact Mr Richard Cavaye (Tel 0131 446 0482).

||$[Name(s) of participant(s)]: ||(:input text camper_names size=50:) ||
||$[I/We will arrive on Saturday at about]: ||(:input text Sat_arr size=30:) ||
||$[If day visit only, estimate of departure time]: ||(:input text Sat_dep size=30:) ||
||Saturday night accommodation (select one at most): || ||
|| $[Own tent]:||(:input checkbox Sat_own_tent value='Yes' :) ||
|| $[Own caravan]:||(:input checkbox Sat_own_caravan value='Yes' :) ||
|| $[Hotel]:||(:input checkbox Sat_hotel value='Yes' :) ||
|| $[9th-provided tent]:||(:input checkbox Sat_9th_tent value='Yes' :) ||
||$[I/We will arrive on Sunday at about]: ||(:input text Sun_arr size=30:) || 


'''Friday 5th September 2008 — Tour of George Watson's College (afternoon)'''

''What is it like to be a pupil at George Watson's College in 2008? Come along this Friday afternoon and find out!''

* %block bgcolor=#ccffcc% Meet in the Stuart Lockhart Suite, near the main entrance of George Watson's College, at 2.15pm. (Coffee will be served.)
* Mr Roy Mack, a member of staff and Secretary of the Watsonian Council, will be on hand to welcome you.
* We will be in groups of 3 or 4, with a senior pupil from the 9th leading each group.
* The tour should be finished by 4pm at the latest.
* There is no charge.

||$[Name(s) of participant(s)]: ||(:input text GWC_visitor_names size=50:) ||


'''Friday 5th September 2008 — Gathering at Myreside (7pm)'''

''This is an informal gathering at Myreside on Friday evening, where Group archive material will be on show. It will also be a chance to meet old friends and browse through photos, logs and other fascinating memorabilia.''

* %block bgcolor=#ccffcc% A buffet (£7 per head, payable on the night) will be available from 8pm.
* From approximately 7.15pm-7.45pm you may visit the School Gym Block to observe part of a Cub meeting and Scout meeting. (Do not go directly to the Gym Block — we will walk over from Myreside together.)
* If you have anything you would like to donate to the Group archives, please bring it along.

||$[Name(s) of participant(s)]: ||(:input text Friday_gatherers size=50:) ||
||$[I/We would like to visit the Cub & Scout meetings]: ||(:input checkbox CS_meetings value='Yes' :) ||
||$[I/We wish to make use of the buffet]: ||(:input checkbox Fri_buffet value='Yes' :) ||


'''Saturday 6th September 2008 — Visit to Jophie's Neuk campsite, near Gullane (morning)'''

''This is an outing to Jophie's Neuk, near Gullane, the 9th Scout's summer campsite from the earliest days until the late 1950s.''

* %block bgcolor=#ccffcc% Bring your own packed lunch, or have lunch in Gullane (which means you have less time at Jophie's Neuk).
* A coach (£5 for return journey, payable to 9th GWC Scout Group — see Dinner information below) will leave from the Gillsland Road entrance to the School at 9.30am and will leave from Gullane at 2.30pm. 
* Since the area is part of a bird sanctuary '''''no dogs are allowed''''' — sorry.
* Here is a [[ | %black%'''report''']] of a recce for the visit.
(:if false:)

||$[Name(s) of participant(s)]: ||(:input text JN_visitors size=50:) ||
||$[I/We wish to travel on the coach]: ||(:input checkbox JN_bycoach value='Yes' :) ||
||$[I/We will arrange our own transport (meet the\\
party at the Golf Club flagpole by 10.15am)]: ||(:input checkbox JN_bycar value='Yes' :) ||


'''Saturday 6th September 2008 — Centenary Dinner (evening)'''

''The Centenary Dinner will be held at Myreside.''

* %block bgcolor=#ccffcc% This event is for members and former members of the 9th Scout Group only (we regret that there is insufficient space for spouses or partners).
* Dress: lounge suit.
* '''''Please arrive by 7pm.''''' There will be a photo call at 7.15pm prompt.
* Lord Smith of Finsbury, a former 9th Scout and Cabinet Minister, will propose the toast to the Group. Professor Michael Steel will reply on behalf of the Group.
* The Dinner will be chaired by the current Group Scout Leader, Mr Richard Cavaye.
* The cost of the dinner, including ½ bottle of wine, is £32. '''''Please send a cheque, payable to 9th GWC Scout Group, by 6th August''''' (£32, or £37 if you are going on the Jophie's Neuk visit as well) to Mr Donald Easton, 56 Ogilvie Terrace, Edinburgh `EH11 1NP. ''After this date places cannot be guaranteed.''

||$[Name of participant]: ||(:input text Diner_name size=40:) ||
||$[If possible, I wish to be seated beside]: ||(:input text Diner_neighbour size=40:) ||
||$[I am a vegetarian]: ||(:input checkbox Vegetarian value='Yes' :) ||
||$[I have special dietary requirements\\
(please specify)]: ||(:input text Dietary size=50:) ||


'''Sunday 7th September 2008 — Service of Celebration (morning)'''

''11am: Service of Celebration of the 9th Scout Group, Morningside United Church, Holy Corner.''

* %block bgcolor=#ccffcc% If you are an ordained Minister and wish to take part in the service, please contact Mr Richard Cavaye (Tel 0131 446 0482).

||$[Name(s) of participant(s)]: ||(:input text Worshipper_names size=50:) ||


'''Sunday 7th September 2008 — Display of Beaver, Cub & Scout activities, Myreside (1pm onwards)'''

''As well as finding out about the members of today's 9th, this is another chance to see the Group archive.''

* %block bgcolor=#ccffcc% Those attending the Church Service may make their way directly to Myreside.
* A buffet (£7 per head, payable on the day) will be available from about 1.30pm.
* Weather permitting, most of the activities will take place outside.

||$[Name(s) of participant(s)]: ||(:input text Activity_visitors size=50:) ||
||$[I/We wish to make use of the buffet]: ||(:input checkbox Sun_buffet value='Yes' :) ||


{$Captcha} $[Type the digits you see in this box] (:input captcha:) \\
(:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':)
(:input end:)



This specifies the message to be sent when fmt=#commitpost is given by a pmform target. It verifies the existence of a from address, subject, and message text.

(:template require name errmsg="$[Missing name]" :)
(:template require addr1 errmsg="$[Missing address line1]" :)
(:template require from errmsg="$[Missing email address]" :)
(:template require if="captcha" errmsg="$[You need to type the number into the box]" :)


Email: {$$from}


Kinross Camping (29th-31st Aug): {$$camper_names}
Saturday arrival: {$$Sat_arr}
Saturday departure: {$$Sat_dep}
Saturday own tent: {$$Sat_own_tent}
Saturday own caravan: {$$Sat_own_caravan}
Saturday hotel: {$$Sat_hotel}
Saturday 9th tent: {$$Sat_9th_tent}
Sunday arrival: {$$Sun_arr}

Friday afternoon School visit: {$$GWC_visitor_names}

Friday night at Myreside: {$$Friday_gatherers}
To Cub & Scout meetings: {$$CS_meetings}
Use the buffet: {$$Fri_buffet}

Jophie's Neuk visit: {$$JN_visitors}
Travel by coach: {$$JN_bycoach}
Travel by car: {$$JN_bycar}

Centenary dinner: {$$Diner_name}
Preferred neighbour: {$$Diner_neighbour}
Vegetarian: {$$Vegetarian}
Dietary requirements: {$$Dietary}

Sunday Service: {$$Worshipper_names}

Sunday afternoon at Myreside: {$$Activity_visitors}
Use the buffet: {$$Sun_buffet}
